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This page has about some basic dressage moves like 20 metre circles and 3-loop serpentines.  Round the page are clipart and scanned pictures.  The diagrams of dressage dressage moves were drawn by me on the computer.         

               dressage5.gif (3013 bytes)A three loop serpentine consists of three loops  You start at the C or A end of the school and get your horse to bend round to make three equal loops.  If you started at A (like the diagram below) then you would leave the track half way between K and E, touch it at B, bend round to half way between B and M then go back onto the track at H                                                        .3loop.gif (73278 bytes) dressage.jpg (48352 bytes)

A figure of eight consisits of two 20 metre circles.   You should try to ride it as 2 circles to get a "8" shape rather than going straight across the long incline (diagonal like H to F).  You should aim to ride though X changing the horses bend, leading leg, if you are cantering (or go down into trot and signal for the correct lead), or your diagonal if you are riding in rising trot.   To get your horse to bend roung your leg use your inside leg on the girth, outside leg behind the girth, squeeze gently on the inside rein and control the horses bend with your outside rein.  Look straight ahead towards were you want to go.

                           figure8.gif (73278 bytes)                                                                                           dressag.jpg (8316 bytes)              dressage.gif (3070 bytes)                 wpe2.gif (3746 bytes)